Understanding Large Social Networks


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Information networks are ubiquitous in the real world with examples such as airline networks, publication networks, social and communication networks, and the World Wide Web. The size of these information networks ranges from hundreds of nodes to millions and billions of nodes.

We will be working on the problem of embedding information networks into low-dimensional spaces, in which every vertex is represented as a low-dimensional vector. Such a low-dimensional embedding is very useful in a variety of applications such as visualization, node classification, link prediction and recommendation.

Edges can be undirected, directed, and/or weighted. Vertex 6 and 7 should be placed closely in the low-dimensional space as they are connected through a strong tie. Vertex 5 and 6 should also be placed closely as they share similar neighbours
Social Networks data is increasing exponentially!
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First-order proximity

The First-order proximity refers to the local pairwise proximity between the vertices in the network (only neighbours).

Second-order proximity

Second-order proximity checks for directly connected nodes as well as other nodes which have influence over itself.

Model Optimization

Negative Sampling, which samples multiple negative edges according to some noisy distribution for each edge (i, j).

Computation needs to be performed faster as the number of nodes and edges are increasing
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As mentioned in LINE paper, neural networks for the First-Order Proximity and the Second-Order Proximity independently, and then concatenate the embeddings learned from both the models for a node to get the final embeddings of a node. In our project, we update this part of the model.
We use the same lookup table for the node representation in both the neural networks, i.e., the node embeddings learned from the First-Order Proximity are used in the neural network for the Second-Order Proximity, instead of initializing them again to random values. The embeddings learned from the Second-Order Proximity deep-net are, then, taken as the final embeddings of a node.
Lower dimensional nodes help to solve multiple tasks with high efficiency
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Representing nodes in low-dimensional spaces helps to perform tasks like visualization, node classification, link prediction, etc. faster
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Madan Jhawar

Raj Patel

Kishan Vadalia

Representing nodes in low-dimensional spaces helps to perform tasks like visualization, node classification, link prediction, etc. faster
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Project Tags

Information Retrieval and Extraction
Major Project
Social Networks
Deep Learning
IIIT Hyderabad